Venice, Italy

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Saint Marcos Basilica

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Maze of Streets

Everyone gets lost here, it's part of the adventure...
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Backyard Canal

Waiting for my Barca...
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Divieto di Sosta

Waiting for my reservation...
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San Marcoe San Teodoro

Column with winged sphinx lion in the huge courtyard...
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Piccolo Ponte ad Arco

Small Bridge Archway here we come...
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Stazione Di Venezia

Santa Lucia Station on Ponte degli Scalzi...
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Skinny Stone Streets

Nope, this isn't an alley...
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Rialto Famous Bridge

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San Giorgio Maggiore

Another island you will need a boat for...
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San Marcos Square

Lots of playful birds, I'm having so much fun...
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City of Lights

I love the calm reflective waters...
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Where's the fashion capital of the world?
Want to see my Mahogany leather jacket?...

Milan, Italy!